Daily Devotions for 26th June, 2019

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from God

Reading : ISAIAH chapter 35

Meditation : take time and space to consider these words today.
The joy of the redeemed!
What will you take with you into this day?

Then take the time to Pray to God, our God
Including for others in need known to you
As you look again at verses 8-10

In Jesus’ Name


Pray God’s blessing on the Faith Mission bookshop and all who use it
O LORD, God of mercy, hear our cry and bless this place we ask.

Reading : read these verses again from Isaiah 35
Reflect on the words and images …. And then pray to Father God
Hear our evening prayers, O God our Father
As this day ends and worship in heaven continues for ever!
We believe and trust in You and lay ourselves and others before You!
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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