Thy Kingdom Come #Jesus

As part of God’s Church we have participated in the global prayer venture of Thy Kingdom Come each year. This runs during the 11 days between Ascension and Pentecost…..and this year it will happen May 13th-23rd.

Each Saturday at 12 noon we are continuing to ask and seek and knock on Heaven’s door…..’Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done’…..and to pray for up to 5 people we know to meet with Jesus and to experience God’s Kingdom reign in their lives.

This week we focus on the theme of JESUS as we pause to pray with others.

We are encouraged to pause and take time with the LORD our God on this particular Saturday in January 2021.
To name the 5 people we are praying for…..that they meet Jesus sooner rather than later.

To raise the name of Jesus higher in our land in these days.

Thy Kingdom Come O God!!

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