Celtic Devotions 4th March


Reading : Psalm 22 vs 1-11
Meditation : consider Jesus,  the Son of God,  the Son of Man
Pray in humble response.
Suffering Saviour, we bow before You.
Faithful Saviour, we need You over and over again.
Son of God and Son of Man,
Thank You for taking my place upon that cross.
Teach me to be more like You
And less like me.
In your precious name,  Amen

Pause and pray for someone you know struggling in their walk with God.
Hear our prayers through Christ our faithful Saviour. Amen.

Reading : Psalm 22 vs 3-5
Reflect on how God has enthroned Jesus and Pray in response.
Pray humbly at the end of the day.

Celtic Devotions Tuesday 3rd


Reading : Genesis 17 vs 15-22
Meditation :  consider why Abraham laughed.
Pray for God to do the unexpected.
Father God, forgive our foolish ways.
Teach us Your path of promise –
Even if it makes us laugh along the way.
Move among us today we pray.
In your sure Name, Amen

Take time and make the Lord’s Prayer your prayer.
Together, Lord, we say Amen.

Reading : Genesis 17 v 16
Reflect on how God has blessed you this day
Pray in response and rest in His promises.

Celtic Devotions Monday 2nd



Reading : Genesis 17 vs 1-10
Meditation : consider God’s promises – to Abraham and to you
Pray for faithfulness.
O Lord our God, hear our morning prayer to you.
Thank you that your promises are rock solid, safe and secure to stand upon.
Teach us to know them and obey them – even this day.
This is our prayer this Monday as we step into the week.
Amen and Amen we say.

Pray for someone you know who needs God’s promises.
Lord hear our prayers through Christ our strong Saviour. Amen.

Reading : Genesis 17 v 1
Reflection :  how God was with you through the day.
Pray with gratitude at the end of the day.


Celtic Devotions Sunday 1st


Reading :  1 Peter 2 v 9
Meditation :  consider that the Church is God’s chosen people
Pray in worship as part of this Church.
Eternal God, thank you for this Sunday.
Thank you for choosing us through the years
To be Your people –
Holy and blessed indeed.
Open our mouths and receive our praise
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Pray a blessing on JY who was preaching today.

Reading : 1 Peter 2 v 10
Reflect on the mercy of God.
Pray the Prayer for the Month as your prayer.


Celtic Devotions Saturday 28th


Reading : Deuteronomy 6 vs 20-25
Meditation :  consider how God has blessed His people.
Pray for God’s Church in Edinburgh, Scotland, UK and Worldwide.
Father God, we thank you for Your Church – everywhere.
We praise you for sustaining your people across our globe.
Hear our cry for you to bless the Church – in every corner
And especially in our city we ask.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Pray for the church to know a Sunday blessing tomorrow!

Reading : Deuteronomy 6 v 25
Reflect on anything carelessly said or done – and hand it over to God.

Celtic Devotions Friday 27th


Reading :  Deuteronomy 6 vs 13-19
Meditation :  consider how God is described in these verses.
Pray for a true heart.
True God of True God, I worship You.
Merciful God, I need You.
Lord my God, make me more like You.
I ask in Jesus’ Name,

Pray to love God more and more.

Reading : Deuteronomy 6 v 18
Reflect on God’s goodness this day – to you and to others.
Pray in response with a thankful heart.