Celtic Devotions 8th March


Reading : Exodus 20 vs 1-3
Meditation :  consider what God asks of His people.
Pray to obey.
LORD God, You are our God, and this is the day You have made.
Teach us to praise You as You deserve,
To hear You speak and obey Your Word.
For we are Your people and You alone are our God.
In Christ Jesus we pray,  Amen together.

Pray a blessing of God’s grace on another Edinburgh church.

Reading : Exodus 20 v 2
Reflect on what God has done in your life.
Lord God, at the end of this day
I bring my praise, my prayers, my life
And I lay them all down before you.
You have given me a living hope and yet
I still need your help day by day
So be it – Amen and Amen.




Celtic Devotions 7th March


Reading :  Mark vs 34-38
Meditation :  consider Jesus’ words to follow Him.
Pray for willingness to daily follow Jesus.
Jesus of Galilee, I believe in You.
Jesus of Calvary, I need to trust in You.
Jesus of these words you spoke
Teach me their meaning and help me
To follow You ever more closely
This day and every day.

Pray for all in the Kirk and Centre tomorrow to experience a Lenten blessing.
Amen we pray together.

Reading : Mark 8 vs 27-30
Reflect on Jesus’ words and pray in response to Him at end of the day.



Celtic Devotions 6th March


Reading : Romans 4 vs 16-17
Meditation :  consider Abraham and our need of faith.
Pray for faith.
Father God, thank you for this new day.
Forgive me when I do not have faith in You.
Increase my faith I ask of You
And teach me to trust You – even this day in some small way.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Pray the Prayer of the Kirk member this month.
Amen together we say.

Reading : Romans 4 v 20
Reflect on Abraham’s faith and pray to be like him.


Celtic Devotions 5th March


Reading :  Psalms 22 vs 25-28
Meditation :  consider how God is worthy of praise.
Pray for a renewed vision of God.
O God of all corners of this world,
We bless and praise You for who you are
And all You have provided us with.
As we ask for daily bread
So feed and protect those who seek daily crumbs even this day.
Hear our morning prayer we ask
Through Jesus our Lord,  Amen.

Pray for a neighbour or colleague in need of God’s presence.
Amen and amen we cry.

Reading : Psalm 22 v 26
Reflect on these words written by David many years ago.
Pray for all God has given you this day.


Northumbrian Celtic Devotions

So – how is it going as we approach Easter together? Which are you finding is easier to keep and which is hardest? Mornings? Middays? Evenings?

As part of the church’s bi-centenary celebrations, the monthly Bible readings have been taking a different slant since last month.  The church here at Liberton owes much to the Northumbrian Celtic tradition of Christianity and we are borrowing from that as we pilgrimage together through 2015 and onwards.

The Celtic brand of Christianity has emphasis on monastery and mission, obedience to the Spirit’s prompting and a real sense of maintaining a continual devotion in daily living.

For this reason we are encouraging each other to start, improve or continue a daily devotion with the Lord and His Word.

As well as a guide each month in the magazine (see the middle pages insert) to help us focus on the Bible passages, with relevant thoughts and prayers, there is the expanded daily devotion available on the church’s website and on Facebook to enable us to take time in the morning, at midday and in the evening to celebrate, listen, pray and respond.

And we all got a free bookmark/postcard to remind us!
(Is yours in use maybe somewhere as a reminder – or in your Bible?)

Have you considered using a small notebook to keep your thoughts and questions?  Or maybe you are keeping a daily spiritual journal? Or do you have a Bible app on your mobile/tablet that could be useful?

Together let us journey together in worship to our faithful God.
Together let us feed on His Word, enriching the soul.
Together let us commit to the times of prayer, listening for His voice.
Together let us respond to the prompting of the Holy Spirt.
And may God truly be with us all in this step of faith!

Alastair Cameron


Celtic Devotions 4th March


Reading : Psalm 22 vs 1-11
Meditation : consider Jesus,  the Son of God,  the Son of Man
Pray in humble response.
Suffering Saviour, we bow before You.
Faithful Saviour, we need You over and over again.
Son of God and Son of Man,
Thank You for taking my place upon that cross.
Teach me to be more like You
And less like me.
In your precious name,  Amen

Pause and pray for someone you know struggling in their walk with God.
Hear our prayers through Christ our faithful Saviour. Amen.

Reading : Psalm 22 vs 3-5
Reflect on how God has enthroned Jesus and Pray in response.
Pray humbly at the end of the day.