Celtic Devotions 22nd January ’16


Pray to hear and receive from God, the Holy Spirit, who leads us into truth
Reading :  Genesis 40
Meditation :  consider what happens here  –  and then
Pray in response – especially for anyone we have forgotten to help
Hear my prayer this morning
In Jesus’ name I ask.

Pray for peace among the nations of our world
O God, hear our prayers.

Reading :  Genesis 40 v 23
Reflect on this verse again and then Pray for someone else…..
Spirit of God, hear our prayers.

Celtic Devotions 21st January ’16

Pray to hear and receive from Jesus.
Reading :  Genesis 39
Meditation : consider how things went from bad to worse for the young Joseph
Pray in response to the God who has the Master Plan all worked out
God of Joseph,
Our God,
Hear our morning prayers
And have mercy on us we ask.
Forgive us our sins of thought and action.
Help us to trust You with our lives
Whether right now they are good or bad or trapped between.
Help us believe that You are working out a great master plan.
May Your kingdom come and Your will be done
In us and through us
In Jesus’ name we ask-  Amen.

Pray for the residents and staff at Braid Hills Nursing Home
LORD, hear our prayers.

Reading :  Genesis 39 vs 21-23
Reflect… on these words again and Pray in response
God of all grace, hear our prayers.

Celtic Devotions 20th January ’16

Pray to hear and receive from the LORD God
Reading :   Genesis 37 vs 12-36
Meditation :   consider how Joseph’s life changes
– what verse or person are you drawn to? why is that do you think?
Pray to God, acknowledging His hand at work in your life
Faithful and loving and holy God
Thank you for these verses.
Help me understand You more
And how You have been at work in my life
Please don’t stop – I need You every day to lead and guide me – even today.

Make your prayer a song of praise – at this time of  day – and throughout the rest of it
Hallelujah and Amens!

Reading :  Genesis 27 vs 21 and 22
Reflect on what happens here – and pray for more Reubens in our world!
O Lord, hear our prayers.

Celtic Devotions 19th January ’16

Pray to hear and receive from God, the Holy Spirit
Reading :  Genesis 37 vs 1-11
Meditation :  take time and consider the young Joseph
– how would you describe him?  his family?
Pray humbly in response
Lord Jesus
Thank you for using Joseph and his family in Your Bible story
Help me learn and understand more of Your ways.
And may my family and I be pleasing to You.

Pray for the work of Self Help Africa, helping a needy continent
God of grace and mercy, hear our prayers.

Reading :  Genesis 37 vs 3 and 4
Reflect on these words and then Pray in response
Father God, hear my evening prayer

Celtic Devotions 18th January ’16

Pray to hear and receive from God
Reading :  Genesis 32
Meditation :   consider all that happens to Jacob here
Pray to know his God changing you – to be more like Jesus– even in a face-to-face!
Lord Jesus
I read these words,
I need to trust You more,
I am sorry when I grumble when You ask me to do something
Or when something doesn’t go my way.
Help me I so pray to let You change me – however You see is best
This new day,

Pray for the work of Open Doors, serving persecuted Christians, in our world
O LORD God, hear our prayers.

Reading :  Genesis 32 v 26
Reflect …. and pray to be blessed by this God – even this night
Amen and Amen we pray, O God

Celtic Devotions 17th January ’16

Pray to hear and receive from God, the Holy Spirit
Reading :  Genesis 28 vs 10-22
Meditation :   consider what happened to Jacob here at Bethel
Pray in response to the God of verses 16 and 17
O God of Jacob,
God of Bethel,
Come to us
Meet with us
Change us
Amen we say together.

Pray for a longing to know God, the Living God, more…and more…and more
Lord, hear my cry from deep within.

Reading :  Genesis 28 vs 16 and 17
Reflect on these words again and Pray to Jacob’s God, our God
(Pray your own words at the end of this day
Words of worship and praise – for who God is
Words of trust and thanks – for what God has done today for you
Words of hope and longing – for what God will do in and through you)
Amen we pray together.