Together We Pray at midday

Today, as the Church of Scotland calls us to a national day of prayer, we pause and pray at midday for our community in Liberton and SE Edinburgh. We use a prayer that was used by those who gathered at this week’s Gathering for Prayer in the Kirk.

Prayer for our Community

Dear God

We pray for our communities:
the people we are called to love,
the people amongst whom we work;
us, together, within our communities;
every one known to you and
loved by you.

Grant us discernment
that we might know how to serve
in practical and spiritual ways,
that we might more fully understand
the lives of others,
that we might embody the love of God
in everything we do
as part of these communities.

Grant us courage
to stand with those on the margins,
to challenge inequalities,
to fight injustice
and to be a light in the darkness.

Grant us humility,
to recognise the poverty of
our understanding
and the depth of your wisdom,
to acknowledge the riches of your grace
and your endless desire to renew,
as today, your presence renews our lives.

May our community be a place
where the gifts of many are united
in common purpose,
where all are allowed to flourish
and be valued,
where together
we are built into a dwelling place
for the Holy Spirit,
as together we grow in love.