New Years’ Eve Prayer with Others

As we step into a new year – with God – together

We PAUSE with Him in prayer

We REJOICE in the blessings He has given in 2021

We ASK for His presence, peace and strength in 2022 – for ourselves and for others

We YIELD – say Yes – to His Kingdom ways in the days and months to come

Pause to Pray for Others

On this particular Friday…as the year draws to a close….as the nation and the world wrestles with the new variant and vaccine supplies…and other points of crisis and concern… you are invited to pause and continue to pray with others in our city and across the nation…to the LORD our God, our Father God.

You are encouraged to pray for all those affected by the coronavirus – in our community, in our nation and in our world – and for parts of the world in turmoil at this time

For family and friends and neighbours

For all those who are anxious and grieving in our community

For NHS and Care Home staff across the nation

For our country and world leaders at this time

Prayer Wall 2021-2022

As we journey from 2021 into 2022 is there a prayer that sums up your journey with God? Is there someone you would like prayer for?

The Prayer Wall on the Kirk website is available for you.

The Prayer Team will see your request and will support you/another in prayer at this time.
You can request for your prayer not to be made public.

You are invited to post a prayer at this significant time of the year – and trust God for His answer and help and blessing.

Daily Devotions for Friday 31st December, 2021

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from Jesus

Reading : JOHN 3 verses 22-36

Meditation : as we pause with Jesus today, we take time to rejoice with Him!

And then we Pray with words of Praise to this God of ours in response
At the close of the year
As we step into 2022

And so we bring our sacrifice of praise to you, our God Most High.
As we thank you for all that is past
And trust you for all that is to come
Amen – we pray together.


Pray with thanksgiving for all babies born in our community in 2021
Father God, hear our prayers and bless them real good we ask

Reading : read this passage again from JOHN 3
Reflect on the words written here and pray in response to the LORD our Saviour God

Praise the LORD!
Praise the LORD, my soul
I will praise him as long as I live;
I will sing to my God all my life.

O hear our evening prayers
As this year closes
As the new year approaches

In Jesus’ name, Amen!

Christmas Eve Prayers with Others

As your Friday closes you are invited to pause and pray with others in our Church Family as we journey through this Christmas week

You may want to revisit the Daily Devotions for today from JOHN 1 verses 1-5

You are encouraged to follow the pattern of P-R-A-Y which we have found to be a blessing from Lectio365/24-7 Prayer

P ause in God’s presence – acknowledge He is with you where you are

R ejoice in the blessings of this day He has given

A sk
for His help – for yourself and for a situation/person known to you at this time

Y ield to His Kingdom will for tomorrow – say yes!