Daily Devotions for Friday 7th May, 2021

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from Jesus

Reading : PSALM 97

Meditation : consider these words this morning.
The LORD reigns!
What do they mean for you in your life?

And then Pray in response – as God leads you
Pray with confidence to our God who reigns over all
Pray for our city, our nation, our world

Amen – we pray together.

Pray God’s blessing on Street Pastors in our city and nation
Father God, hear our prayers, have mercy and bless them real good we ask.

Reading : read this passage again from PSALM 97
Reflect on the words you have just read and pray in response

Lord Jesus, hear our evening prayers as we respond to these words
And bring a blessing to those in need this evening we ask.

Daily Devotions for Thursday 6th May, 2021

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from Father God

Reading : PSALM 94

Meditation : take time and carefully consider these words today.
‘Rise up, O Judge of the earth’
What is God saying to you today about Himself from His Word?

Then pray in response to the LORD as your day starts

Pray your own words this morning to the LORD God as you come near to Him……..

In Jesus’ name. Amen and Amen.


Pray God’s blessing on those who work in our emergency services
Lord, hear our prayers and bless each and all real good we ask.

Reading : read these particular verses again from PSALM 94
Reflect on the words written here – and what God is saying to you now.
Pray in response to this God who is the Judge of all

O LORD, hear our evening prayers as this day closes
As we return our thanks to You.
As we humbly confess our sins
As we lay all we are and have before You
And call out to you for our world
In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Daily Devotions for Wednesday 5th May, 2021

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from Jesus

Reading : PSALM 82

Meditation : consider these particular words this morning.
‘Rise up, O God..’
What words and images stay with you?
What is God saying to you today about Himself as your day starts?
Is there a response God is asking of you?

And then pray in response – to this God of ours

O LORD our God,
God Most High,
We hear your call
We turn to you
Call us closer
In Jesus’ name,
Amen and amen!

Pray God’s blessing on those who feel helpless in our society
LORD, hear our prayers and give blessing real good we ask.

Reading : read these set verses again from PSALM 82
Humbly reflect on what you read and then pray in response –
for yourself, for others, for our world

LORD God, Father God, hear our many different prayers
As we thank you for your call on our lives
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Daily Devotions for Tuesday 4th May, 2021

Upper Room day – time out with God

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from Father God

Reading : PSALM 47

Meditation : consider all that is said here about God, the Most High.
What words stay with you? What is God saying to you from His Word?

And then Pray in response to what you have read
Taking time first to wait before God

Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
I have read these words
And now I pray for you to work them out
as a living reality in my life – even today
as I thank you that you are with me
on my journey through life.
In Jesus’ name.

Take time to listen for God to speak with you at this time of day
‘Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done’
Father God…thank you.

Reading : read the verses again from PSALM 47
Reflect prayerfully on these words…. And then pray to this God as your day closes

LORD God, our Father God,
Thank you for being there with me
For all of today.
I thank You
Even for those things that have caused me fear and concern.
Help me to rest in Your unfailing love and on Your faithful Word
As I wait for tomorrow.
As I look around at this world
In these days.
Have mercy O Lord!
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

A Tuesday Invitation or Three

You are invited to the Upper Room…
As a Church we usually set aside a Tuesday each week and provide a place with space – the UPPER ROOM – a place for time-out in our busy days. In these weeks and months of lockdown 2021 it was not possible to open and run this space…….but this Tuesday it is!!

* A space to be still in a busy world – in the room above the Kirkgate Cafe 7.30am-7.30pm
** Private prayer for yourself and for others
* Listening to God – Father Son and Holy Spirit
** Opportunities to pause and pray with others at 8am…12 midday…7pm

You are invited to take a walk…
You are encouraged to take some exercise by the Government..and we would invite you to take a walk around the Kirkyard and consider what God is saying to you at this time from the words displayed from JOHN 3.

The Word for Today 11 – Stations

You are invited to Thy Kingdom Come 2021…
A global opportunity to pray with other believers for the Kingdom of God to be experienced afresh in our day.

Daily Devotions for Monday 3rd May, 2021

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from the LORD God, the Eternal One

Reading : PSALM 37

Meditation : take time to consider these words of trust as your day starts.
What is God saying to you today from His Word?

Then take time to Pray in response

Thank you that we can trust You
Thank you that you are faithful
Thank you that you are with us
Even today
In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Pray God’s blessing on those who are anxious and worried at this time
O LORD, hear our prayers at this time of day and have mercy we ask.

Reading : read the verses again from PSALM 37
Reflect on their meaning for you and pray in response…to this God

O Living and True God, our heavenly Father, hear our evening prayers
And forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sinned against us even today.
O pour out a blessing on those we name before you
In Jesus’ name, Amen.