Please see the Daily Devotions for today as you pause to pray with others at this time of the day.
Tag: Midday
Call to Midday Prayer
Please see the Daily Devotions for today as you pause to pray with others at this time of the day.
Call to Midday Prayer
Please see the Daily Devotions for today as you pause to pray at this time of the day.
Call to Midday Prayer
Please see the Daily Devotions for today as you pause to pray with others at this time of the day – in this Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.
Perhaps you already make use of this opportunity for time out each week?
Maybe you don’t.
Perhaps you used to make use of this place with space?
Maybe you don’t now.
Why not make this part of your weekly routine as you step further into 2019?
If you are unable to attend due to work or family commitments – why not find a place with space and join with others in pausing to listen and pray with God.
The room above the Café becomes an Upper Room each Tuesday
Prayer Tree
Windows with a view
all to be used – or not – as you prefer
There are opportunities to pause and pray and listen with others
12 noon-12.30pm
2.30-4pm…part of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity as we pause to pray for the life and work of SEECAT
And the Café is open from 9am!
You are encouraged to make this opportunity to pause and pray with God an active part of church life and work
so that together we hear what God is saying to His Church at Liberton Kirk.
Call to Midday Prayer
Please see the Daily Devotions for today as you pause to pray at this time of day with others – at the Focus Day – in our community and city and elsewhere.