You are invited to pause and pray at this time of the day
You may wish to revisit the Daily Devotions for today
You may wish to be still with God
You are encouraged to name others before Father God
Together we say Amen.
You are invited to pause and pray at this time of the day
You may wish to revisit the Daily Devotions for today
You may wish to be still with God
You are encouraged to name others before Father God
Together we say Amen.
Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from God, the Holy Spirit
Reading : MATTHEW 4 verses 23-25
Meditation : take the time to consider this passage.
Jesus heals the sick.
What is God saying to you this morning about His Kingdom?
What is your response to God’s Word today?
Pray in response – to this Jesus
O LORD our Lord.
God of wonders
Hear our prayers this day
As we lay others and ourselves before you
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Pray God’s blessings on our children and young people
O LORD, have mercy on all we ask and pour rich blessings!
Reading : read the passage from Matthew 4 again prayerfully at the end of your day
Reflect….. and then pray to this Jesus in response
Lord Jesus, hear my prayer this evening.
As I humbly name others before you.
As I call out to you for others this evening
As I lay myself and this world before you
In Jesus’ name. Amen
At this time in your Monday and in these uncertain times you are invited to pause and pray with others in our city and across the nation
You are encouraged to pray for all those affected by the coronavirus
For family and friends and neighbours
For your Church family
For NHS and Care Home staff in our city
For our country and our national leaders at this time as they make important decisions
Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from the LORD God, the Eternal One
Reading : PSALM 93
Meditation : take time to consider these words this morning.
The LORD is King!
What words or images stay with you?
What is God saying to you today about Himself?
Then take time to Pray in response
As you bow in the Presence of the LORD our King
As we bow before You
As we bring our sacrifice of praise
Thy Kingdom come
Thy will be done
On earth
As it is in heaven
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Pray God’s blessing on those who live near the Kirk
O LORD, hear our prayers at this time of day and give saving grace we ask.
Reading : read the verses again from PSALM 93
Reflect on their meaning for you and pray in response…to this God of ours
O Living and True God, our King, hear our evening prayers
And forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sinned against us even today.
O pour out a blessing on those we name before you
And in our lives may others see evidence of Your Kingdom life and grace
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
At this time in your Monday and in these uncertain times you are invited to pause and pray with others in our city and across the nation
You are encouraged to pray for all those affected by the coronavirus
For our community in Liberton
For our country and our leaders
For our world in these days