Daily Devotions for 4th May, 2017


Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from God, the Holy Spirit

Reading : 1 Peter 1 verses 10 and 11

Meditation : take time and consider these words about the Old Testament prophets……and the Holy Spirit at work.
Which prophets do you think Peter is referring to? What is God saying to you today?

Pray in response…to keep in step with God’s voice

Spirit of God,
Give me open ears
And a willing spirit within.
Speak afresh to me
And guide my daily steps
At work, rest and play
This day I pray
In Jesus’ Name


Pray God’s blessing on the UK Parliament in Westminster in these days
God of grace and mercy, justice and truth, hear our prayers.


Reading : read the verses again
Take time to Reflect….. and then Pray in response as your day ends

Father God, hear my evening prayer.

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