Tuesday Time-Out with Lydia

On Sunday morning John invited us all to consider where are our places to meet with others in the same way we heard about Lydia (Acts chapter 16).

As a Church we set aside a Tuesday each week and provide a place with space – the UPPER ROOM – a place for time-out. In the early weeks and months of lockdown it was not possible to open and run this space….BUT IT IS THIS TUESDAY!!

You are invited to….

* A place with space
** For time-out
* Private prayer
** With God

Above the Kirkgate Cafe…..7.30am-7.30pm

Opportunites to pray with others will be possible at 8am…12 noon and 7pm

There are guidelines to follow…..including wearing a face covering.

But…..our Tuesdays – and every day – can still be an opportunity for time out…..with God…..where we are…at home or at work

You are invited to pause regularly at some time during the day and be still with God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

You are encouraged to speak with Him….to listen to Him.…to receive from Him…especially at this time as we seek to hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church in our times.

The PATHWAY of PEACE around the Kirkyard is now closed but you can still walk around the Kirk and as you walk and think and reflect and pray in these days know that God is still walking with you. You will find that there are prompts to consider from the Bible as you prayerfully walk – the online church magazine has more information.

You are invited to share in the Midday Prayers and Evening Prayers that will be posted online at 12noon and 9pm on various days on the Kirk website and on our social media pages. We are also encouraged to pray with others in our city and across our land at 5pm….focussing on all those affected by the coronavirus…..and during this particular week you are invited to join with others and pray for all those affected afresh by the new coronavirus restrictions.

We are all invited to pray with others in our Church family as we journey through the latter weeks of 2020 together…..and to listen for what God is saying to us in these particular days.

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