Daily Devotions for Saturday April 11th, 2020

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from God, the Holy Spirit

Reading : HEBREWS 10 verses 1-18

Meditation : take time to consider these verses this morning.
Christ’s sacrifice once for all
What do they mean for you?
What is God saying to you today from these words?

And then Pray in response to what you read – to this God of ours.

In Jesus’ name
Amen and Amen!

Pray the Prayer for the Month as your midday prayer

As we reflect on the promises and prophecies in your Word,
we pray that you will give us wisdom and understanding
to see the relevance of these and apply them in our times.
Thank you that all these promises and prophesies are fulfilled in Christ Jesus,
our High Priest, who ever intercedes for us.

Reading : read this passage again from Hebrews 10
Reflect on this God, your God, our God…. and then Praise Him in your evening Prayer

LORD God, our God, receive our praise
For who You are!
For all you have done for us!
And as we give it all back to you
May you continue to reach and save people
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done across our world
In these days
In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Call to Good Friday Midday Prayer

You are invited to take your daily exercise at this time and pray as you walk

You are encouraged to carry a palm cross (or similar) as you consider the events of yesteryear at 12noon

You are invited to pray for households as you walk past. You are encouraged to pray for all those affected by the coronavirus.

Time out Tuesday in Holy Week

This is indeed an unusual Holy Week.

Yet our God is Loving, Faithful and only a prayer away!

As a Church we have set aside a Tuesday each week and provided a place with space – the UPPER ROOM.
However in these times it is not possible to open and run this space sadly.

But…our Tuesdays can still be an opportunity for time out…

You are invited to pause at some time in your Tuesday and be still with God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

You are encouraged to speak with Him…to listen to Him…to receive from Him…

You are invited to share in the Midday Prayer and Evening Prayer that will be posted online at 12noon and 9pm.
We are also encouraged to pray the Lord’s Prayer with others in our city at 5pm.

You are invited to pray with others in our Church family as we journey through this Holy Week together.

You may wish to use the PowerPoint provided online from

Weekend – 4-5 April ii