Daily Devotions for Thursday 3rd October, 2024

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from Father God

Reading : EZEKIEL chapter 5
Meditation : take time and consider what is written here – as your day starts.
Ezekiel cuts his hair!

Which words stay with you?
What is God teaching/reminding you today?

And then pray in response as your day starts
Looking again at verses 18-20 as you turn to prayer

In Jesus’ name

Pray God’s blessing on family members, near and far
O LORD, hear our prayers and pour out help and strength we ask

Reading : read the set verses again from EZEKIEL chapter 5
Reflect on these words and events again at the end of your day
and Pray in response to this God of ours with humility

O LORD God, hear our evening prayers
As we thank You for Your help and provision in our lives.
O have mercy we ask
On others
On our Church
On our world
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Thursday Evening Prayer with Others

As we journey through this week….. with God – together – you may want to revisit today’s Daily Devotions from JEREMIAH chapter 42 verses 1-12 – as we continue to pause in the Old Testament….

We PAUSE with the Lord in prayer as the day closes….

We REJOICE in the help and blessings He has given this particular Thursday – to us and to others

We ASK for His presence, peace and strength – for ourselves and for others in our church family and our nation and in our world at this time – especially prayerfully supporting the people of Israel, Gaza, Ukraine, Russia, Yemen and other parts of our world in deep need at this time

We YIELD – say Yes – to His Kingdom ways for tomorrow

Daily Devotions for Thursday 26th September, 2024

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from Father God

Reading : JEREMIAH chapter 42 verses 1-12

Meditation : prayerfully consider these few verses this morning
The People ask Jeremiah to Pray for them

What words stay with you?
Who is on your prayer list?

And then pray in response – to our faithful, eternal God

Pray your own words of faith and trust to the LORD our God.
Naming others before Father God
Giving thanks for those who have prayed for you

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Pray God’s blessing on believers persecuted for their faith in Jesus
Father God…hear our prayers and truly bless each and all we ask.

Reading : read this passage again from JEREMIAH chapter 42 verses 1-12
Reflect on the verses and the people mentioned here
and Pray in response to this God – at the end of your day

Faithful and eternal
Merciful and gracious
Thank you for all your ways with these people of old
Thank you for all your ways in my life
As I name others before you
Giving thanks for those who have prayed for me
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Daily Devotions for Thursday 19th September, 2024

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from Father God

Reading : JEREMIAH chapter 23 verses 25-32
Meditation : take time and carefully consider these words and truths this morning.
False prophets
God’s message

Which words stay with you?
What is God saying to you today?

Then pause to pray to this God


Pray God’s blessing on the Kirkgate Cafe
God of grace…hear our prayers and pour a blessing we ask on this work

Reading : read these verses again from JEREMIAH chapter 23 verses 25-32
Reflect on the words and people mentioned – at the end of your day
and Pray with honest words in response to this God – our God

People will speak of your mighty deeds,
and I will proclaim your greatness.
They will tell about all your goodness
and sing about your kindness.
The LORD is loving and merciful,
slow to become angry and full of constant love.
He is good to everyone
and has compassion on all he made.

O LORD, hear our evening prayers
As we ask, seek and knock on heaven’s door
For ourselves and for another
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Thursday Evening Prayer with Others

As we journey through this week….. with God – together – you may want to revisit today’s Daily Devotions from JEREMIAH chapter 12 – as we continue to pause in the Old Testament….

We PAUSE with the Lord in prayer as the day closes….

We REJOICE in the help and blessings He has given this particular Thursday – to us and to others

We ASK for His presence, peace and strength – for ourselves and for others in our church family and our nation and in our world at this time – especially prayerfully supporting the people of Israel, Gaza, Ukraine, Russia, Yemen and other parts of our world in deep need at this time

We YIELD – say Yes – to His Kingdom ways for tomorrow