You are invited to pause and pray with those gathered in the Upper Room at this time of your day.
You may wish to revisit the Daily Devotions for today.
You are invited to pause and pray with those gathered in the Upper Room at this time of your day.
You may wish to revisit the Daily Devotions for today.
You are invited to
A place with space above the Kirkgate Cafe
Time out
With God
Time out
To pray
With others
You are invited to pause and pray during your week
and visit the UPPER ROOM
A place with space
Time out with God
Opportunities to pray with others
7.30 – 8am
12noon – 12.30pm
2.45 – 3.45pm
7 – 7.15pm
You are invited to pause and pray with others at this time in your Tuesday.
You may wish to revisit the Daily Devotions for today.
Upper Room day and Evening Gathering for Prayer
Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from Jesus, Saviour and Lord
Reading : 2 CORINTHIANS chapter 13 verses 11-14
Meditation : take time and consider these final greetings.
What words stay with you?
What are you encouraged and challenged by today?
Pray in response to what you have read
Taking time to pause and pray for others
O Lord
Hear my morning prayer
In Jesus’ name,
Take time to listen for God to speak with you at this time of day
Ask, seek, knock….hear!
Father God…thank you.
Reading : read the passage again
Reflect on the words…. and then Pray….to the LORD our God
God of Paul, our God,
We bring our evening worship to you
As we lay ourselves and our church before you
As we acknowledge what you are saying to us at this time
In Jesus’ name.
Amen and Amen.
This Tuesday is an opportunity to pause and pray amid the cycle of work, rest and play.
The UPPER ROOM will be open 7.30am-7.15pm
A place with space for time out with God
An opportunity to pray with others
The monthly GATHERING FOR PRAYER will be in the Kirk 7.30-8.45pm
An opportunity to pray for our nation at this time
Please do use these times with others this week